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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

DIY inspiration: craft + design

Craft meets design with this cool project by Corey Holms. Read more about it at Kitsune Noir.

You could create a template for something similar in Photoshop/Gimp/Paint. Start with a stencil and fill it with a diagonal or wavy stripe pattern. Something like this:

 (I did a quick google search for "free stencil" and came across this dragonfly. I created my own diagonal line pattern in Photoshop a few years ago, but there are some free ones here.)

Print and use your newly created template to trace the pattern onto your fabric. Stich over your guide lines, erase remaining lines (or wash out), and there you have it! I think a project like this would be pretty relaxing on a fall/winter night with a good movie...

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