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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Round-up of crafts from last week

Magnets made from "flair." I will definitely make more of these.

A "spring" scarf. It's made from lighter yarn, but it's still probably too heavy for a warmer day. Oh well. It feels great.

This is my St. Patrick's Day scarf. About two week too late... (made with 2 green yarns)

A notebook kept together with string. I used the zebra cardstock in case I messed up. I'm not really into animal prints, but this turned out nice.

A few matchbook shaped notebooks. One from the remaining zebra print and the other two from (surprise!) paint chips.


  1. Hi, I've been greatly enjoying your thing a day posts. I like how you've focused on small items, that can be done after work. I do this too. I've been wanting to make bottle cap magnets but I don't save them...so that's on hold for now. But, the "flair" magnets, are these buttons with the pins removed mounted to magnets? This has me scurrying looking for my old buttons. Thanks.

  2. Niko, they are buttons without the pins. I've also found some craft stores that sell adhesive buttons/pins for about $5.00 a 6 pack. They look like mini pins, but have smooth backs, which makes this project even easier.


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