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Sunday, February 26, 2017

Weekly Review: Wahoo! The house sold!

This week's sky shot -- Friday in Cincinnati
After a few crazy weeks preparing our house for sale (and being SICK), I'm back for the Weekly Review linkup with Hoho Runs and MissSippiPiddlin. I'm not really training for anything because of our upcoming move, but I had a solid week.

Week February 20–26
Tuesday: 3 miles
Wednesday: 2 miles
Thursday: 4 miles
Friday: rest
Saturday: 10 miles
Sunday: 3.2 miles

Total: 22.2 miles
Elevation gain: 289 ft
2017 Total: 140.1 miles

The past two weeks were all about prepping our house and unfortunately I was sick for 9 days straight (and ran 5 miles total!) On Monday the photographer came to take photos for the listing - which marked a big milestone for us. Afterwards, we went to trivia with our old group and while we didn't win, it reminded me why we used to go every week!

On Tuesday we ran a ton of errands and even though I was still a little sick, I got in a solid 3 miles.

Brewdog on Wednesday
I was also able to run in the middle of the day Wednesday, but unfortunately my running shoes were DONE (~320 miles) and I felt like I was running with about 20 extra pounds, so it was a good run to cut short. That night we tried a new brewery with a friend (we're trying to hit a bunch before we move and that one opened this week).

New shoes are dog approved.

Luckily, my new shoes arrived Thursday so I took them out for a 4 miler. It was a solid progression: 9:18, 8:50, 8:41, 8:14. I think Thursday was my laziest house day of the week -- and much needed!

Our house was listed Thursday at midnight, so I woke up Friday to our first showing request. We hit the road for IKEA to get a replacement faucet for the bathroom and during our drive to Cincinnati I received at least 10 requests for showings between Friday and Sunday. When we got back to Columbus we got a call from our realtor. We had our first offer! The offer came with a tight deadline (because 7 other people were drafting offers and they wanted us to accept theirs first). It was a fantastic offer including a 30 day closing and no repairs! We have an inspection this week, then we'll move forward. It's not 100% final, but barring any complications the house sold in less than a day!

Part of my group! (I'm holding the yellow water bottle.) 
After two weekends of sickness, I was finally able to get back to my training group Saturday! It was 78º on Friday and the temps plummeted overnight. Our run started in the low 40s. It was sunny and I wondered if I'd overdressed, but by mile 5 the sun was gone and we were caught in a hail storm! After the tiny hail balls stopped the wind picked up and the last 5 miles were in the upper 30s. Brr!

Another brewery on Saturday (Sideswipe)

We still had a few showings on Saturday (just in case), so Alex and I had to stay out of the house for most of the day. Luckily the showings after 4pm were canceled when our agent marked the house as "in contract," so we were able to relax a bit before going to a party at our neighbor's house. Saturday was a long and exhausting - but fun - day! It's funny how much we wanted to go home and relax!

Sunday runday funday
I woke to a migraine Sunday (I blame the constantly shifting weather), but managed to get out to breakfast with our neighbors while Alex did a full day of tree work. Post-breakfast I felt pretty icky so I hung out in bed most of the day, finally going outside around 4pm for a short run. I'm so glad I did. It was a beautiful, sunny day. Only 44º, but that's perfect running weather for me! Post-run I made dinner, did a bit of packing/organizing, and watched Twister in memory of Bill Paxton. 

Did your area have a crazy heatwave? 


  1. Congrats on selling the house! I always feel like I can always go faster on my next run after getting new sneakers. Is it just me? There are so many breweries in my area I still haven't tried them all. They even have trivia at some..how fun!

    1. Thanks! And yes, I agree -- new shoes make a huge difference!

  2. I thought our previous house sold fast (a week) but yours was crazy fast. I hope the inspection went smoothly so everything can proceed. When are you scheduled to make the move? I was saddened to hear about Bill Paxton. I used to watch that crazy HBO show Big Love. Thanks for linking, Elizabeth!

    1. We have the inspection tomorrow morning and hopefully all will be well. We move next Monday. Can't believe it's almost time. We have a ton of packing to do!

  3. Congrats on a quick sale! Selling a house is so stressful. New rides are the best. I always feel so fast the first day in a pair. I keep a "fresh" pair for tempos and racing.

    1. Thank you! It is so stressful. I'm glad it's almost over. I haven't been out in my new shoes since last week (silly moving stuff!). I miss it!

  4. We've had some warm weather here in SE TX, too, but it should be cooler Saturday and I'm glad because I just signed up for a half marathon on that day. Great news on your house - I hope our house sells as easily as yours!

    1. I love running in cooler weather. It seems easier. Good luck with your house when you get it on the market!

  5. Wow I bet that is a burden lifted off your shoulders of the house selling! Yes we've had some crazy weather lately, warm then cool then hot and now cold at nights again. I don't mind the extremes just let us get there gradual and not all of a sudden!

    1. I agree! I like the warm weather, but I'm not ready for upper 80s/90s and high humidity!


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