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Monday, June 15, 2015

June: Life Currently...

Photos from my instagram

Reading I finished Kate Atkinson's A God in Ruins, which took forever. I'm currently reading Judy Blume's In the Unlikely Event and Brutal Youth by Anthony Breznican.

Listening While running: the Archers omnibus, while commuting: lots of alternative 90s/00s music (I found a new radio station). I just reserved Aziz Ansari's Modern Romance on audiobook.

Watching Gilmore Girls. STILL. I'm up to season 5 and I know something's going to mess with Luke and Lorelai and ... ugh. I've also been watching HBO and HGTV in hotels, which feels slightly luxurious. Getting ready for Orange is the New Black and the last half of the current season of Game of Thrones.

Wearing sundresses. There's nothing better than throwing on something as comfortable as pajamas and looking instantly put together.

Eating + Drinking see the pulled pork mac and cheese and the saison in the blue cup above (from Whole Foods and Granville Brewing). We went to Digfest [Drinks in Grandview] on Saturday. After volunteering for set up, we were rewarded with plenty of free drink tickets. One of my favorite festivals of the year.

Exploring we just returned from North Dakota (trip summary post to come). Alex and I have been converted: don't save it for your last or second-to-last state; it's gorgeous!

Making messes - currently trying to focus on one project at a time and the house is not the priority for me. Alex, on the other hand, tiled the bathroom. We're one step closer to being finished!

Feeling content. Nothing's as crazy/terrible as it was this time last month.

Planning a trip to Alaska in August or September. My last state beckons... plus we have airline miles to use!

Working on freelance illustrations. I finished my major project and need to move on to some hand-drawn sketches for a book. I was banished from the house yesterday and went to the local library to get work done. It was amazing and I need to do it more often!

Wishing I could stay home and read all day. Maybe have someone organize all my junk so I don't have to.

Remembering to focus on one thing at a time. I'm a great multi-tasker, but at the moment I have too many large, daunting tasks and they were too overwhelming to juggle concurrently.

Loving the sunshine. It's a bit humid–and actually pretty rainy today– but when it's sunny and there's a breeze it's heavenly. Also loving the relaxed pace of the past two weeks. I'm sure the vacation helped.

Looking forward to a day off (I know, I just got back!). I'm working four day weeks this summer, but I'm not sure what day I'll take off... Taking advantage of my slow down in work and trying not to look forward to how busy I'll be in the future.

How's your month?


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