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Monday, June 29, 2009

to do or not to do?

So, I'm considering applying for a craft fair.

It's small and local, but oddly competitive for something held at a high school. It's not until November, but I would need to apply by August.

Before I apply I need to figure out what the heck I want my booth to have. Scarves are a definite (though maybe I'll start purling!). Beyond that I'm a little stumped. Magnets are cheap for customers and can be fun (I've also got a massive amount of bottle caps laying around). But felt animals? What's the point? And notebooks made with paint chips? Cheesy.

As of right now I'm envisioning scarves, framed felt stuff (ala Mr. Robot), magnets, and small paintings (like this). I think I'll check my stockpile of DIY links for inspiration.

Any ideas?

P.S. I made a scarf tonight. Camera cord is M.I.A. ...will post asap.

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